Energy Systems Research Center

Lee Wei Jen, Ph.D., PE Director of the Energy Systems Research Center

The ESRC’s vision is to provide global leadership that produces and enhances knowledge leading to a better understanding of global problems and local impacts in the design and operation of electric power systems.

The ESRC’s mission is to develop the knowledge base necessary to understand the problems faced by the electric power industry and provide evaluations and alternative solutions encompassing engineering, economic, and social considerations. In this effort, the ESRC’s focus is concerned with the application of the existing engineering and economic knowledge bases and the introduction of technological advances to achieve project and research solutions.

To achieve its mission, the ESRC utilizes various organizational structures according to the needs of its sponsor clients and researchers, including:

Mo-Shing Chen Scholarship

Dr. Chen founded the Energy Systems Research Center (ESRC) in 1968, the first research center on the UTA campus.